Are Chronic Migraines Hurting Your Daily Life?

Consider Botox for Migraine Relief

chronic migraines

What Are Chronic Migraines?

Migraines, in general, are painful headaches that can completely interfere with day-to-day life. Migraine sufferers often note that the pain is located on one side of the head and can be accompanied with nausea and vomiting. Often a migraine makes a person highly sensitive to light and sound resulting in people seeking a quiet, dark place to rest until the pain passes. Migraines are described as chronic when they occur 15 or more days a month.

How to Reduce Chronic Migraines Without Surgery

The Allura Skin, Laser & Wellness Clinic locations in Fort Collins and Loveland offer Botox® treatments to help reduce the frequency of chronic migraines. Botox works for migraines by blocking chemicals called neurotransmitters that carry pain signals from your brain. Clinical studies report that consistent Botox treatments every three months can dull or significantly reduce migraines. Since its FDA approval in 2010, two million Botox treatments have been given to over 500,000 people with chronic migraines. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have or to schedule a free consultation.

What Causes Chronic Migraines?

Chronic migraines are still a somewhat mysterious medical condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. Some people may have experienced migraines in their youth which completely went away as they aged. Others may have only experienced migraines in their adult years. While others experience migraines in phases. Migraines may come on and off for a year and then stop entirely before returning years later.

Migraines can occur due to disorders of the central nervous system, chemical imbalances, genetics, and vascular issues. Additionally, migraines may occur due to inflammation within the body and vascular system, hormones, and multiple environmental factors.

If you suffer from chronic migraines, it’s important to make note of triggers that may contribute to the occurrence of migraines. Migraines can be triggered by certain foods, changes in weather, sensory stimuli, stress, too much (or too little!) caffeine, medications, and sleep (too much or too little).

Due to the large range of factors that can cause and contribute to the occurrence of migraines, it is no surprise that even medical professionals can’t totally pin down how or why some people suffer from migraines. Fortunately there are treatments that can reduce or even eliminate the number of migraines you have a month.