Rosacea or Melasma Forcing You To Cover Up Your Skin?

Get Freedom From Skin Redness, Pigmentation, and Bumps


What are Rosacea and Melasma?

Rosacea is a skin condition that causes redness or flushing of the skin, and may be accompanied by small pus-filled bumps. Often, symptoms of rosacea occur in cycles known as flare-ups which can be due to a variety of triggers. Flare-up sites can feel tender, itchy, or even produce a burning sensation. 

Unlike rosacea, melasma is a skin condition that is caused by hormonal changes and occurs most frequently in women during pregnancy. Signs of melasma include light brown, dark brown, or gray-blue patches on the skin. Patches normally appear on the face and back of arms.

How to Reduce Symptoms of Rosacea and Melasma

The Allura Skin, Laser & Wellness Clinic locations in Fort Collins and Loveland offer a number of treatments to help reduce the symptoms of rosacea and melasma. Consider the suggested treatments below and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have or to schedule a free consultation.

What Causes Rosacea and Melasma?

It is not entirely clear what causes rosacea but it could be due to genetics, an overactive immune system, or environmental factors. Most likely, a combination of these factors are to blame for flare-ups. If you suffer from rosacea, it is wise to pay attention to foods, skin care products, and emotional states that can be triggering flare-ups.

Melasma is caused by UV light exposure and/or hormonal changes (most often during pregnancy). You may even hear melasma referred to as “the mask of pregnancy.” With melasma you just see dark patches of skin due to an increased production of melanin. 

Although there is not a known cure of either rosacea or melasma, there are a variety of treatments that can help reduce the symptoms associated with both of the conditions.