Are You Regretting All Of Those Hours In the Sun?

Say Goodbye to Sun Damage and Hello to Even-Toned Skin

What is Sun Damage?

Sun damage refers to the long term effects of exposure to UV rays (whether from the sun or tanning beds) on the skin. Sun damage can cause early onset of wrinkles, light brown spots on the skin, freckles, moles, hyperpigmentation, and even spider veins.

How to Get Rid of Sun Damage Without Surgery

The Allura Skin, Laser & Wellness Clinic locations in Fort Collins and Loveland offer a number of treatments to get rid of sun damage. Consider the suggested treatments below and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have or to schedule a free consultation.

What Causes Sun Damage?

Sun damage occurs from constant exposure to the sun – especially if you don’t use sunscreen. When UV light hits your skin, damage occurs at the cellular level (also known as photodamage). Sun damage can take years to show up since it penetrates the deepest layers of the skin.

The best thing you can do to prevent sun damage is to routinely use sunscreen and cover-up with clothing and hats. But what about the sun damage that’s already happened? Fortunately there are a number of treatments that can help you reverse the clock.