You never thought it would happen to you and suddenly you wake up to find that the dreaded double chin has finally made itself a home on your face. Age often comes with the second chin and with the second chin comes insecurity. Luckily, you don’t have to live with it if you choose not to. Allura Skin, Laser & Wellness Center we have a solution and guess what? It isn’t surgery! You won’t ever have to look at that double chin again once you try our non-surgical option, Kybella®!
eliminate your double chin with kybella

What is Kybella?

This injectable treatment is made with a naturally occurring molecule in the body known as deoxycholic acid. This acid is used to break down dietary fat as well as absorb it. When Kybella is injected into your fat cells in your chin, it will destroy them.

The best part?
Once those cells are destroyed they will no longer be able to store fat.

What can you expect from your treatment?

When you come to Allura Clinic to have your Kybella treatment, your chin will be numbed with cream. Once you have lost feeling in your chin and are comfortable, Kybella will then be administered into the fat in your chin with several injections.

You will then have to come back for two to four more sessions (spaced one month apart) before your double chin is non-existent. However, you will notice results within the first week.

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Don’t let your double chin make you self conscious anymore. Schedule an appointment to get the Kybella treatment at Allura Skin, Laser & Wellness Center today!