Men Should Consider Body Contouring Too. Here’s Why.

It’s true that women tend to be more concerned about their appearance than men, especially when entering middle age. Here at Allura, we think that while women tend to voice their concerns about wrinkles, double chins, and abdominal fat, they’re not the only gender who wishes they didn’t see these things in the mirror. Men […]

3 Signs You Could Benefit From Thermage Comfort Pulse Technology

When you get dressed in the morning, or undressed at night, are you happy with the person that you see looking back at you in the mirror? Life takes its toll on our bodies, especially if we haven’t always had the best skin care, or eating and exercising habits. The important thing to remember is […]

6 Ways To Prevent a Loose Neck

  Avoid Loose Neck Skin as You Age From the time that we’re young, most of us are taught how to have good hygiene and take care of our skin. We know we need to wash our face and wear sunscreen to prevent problems like acne and sunburn, which could cause much bigger issues as […]