Neck contouring decreases unsightly double chins.

According to a 2015 survey conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, nearly 70 percent of respondents said they were annoyed by submental fullness. This is just a fancy name for under-the-chin fullness, commonly referred to as a “double chin.” Many people associate a double chin with being overweight, but it can also be an unwelcome aspect of aging as well.

As the Fort Collins-area specialists for anti-aging facials and wrinkle treatments, it’s no surprise that many of our clients ask for help dealing with this problem area. We’re proud to offer Kybella neck contouring as a minimally-invasive solution to the double-chin problem. Here are answers to some of the most common questions people have about this FDA-approved treatment.

What Is Kybella?

KYBELLA is an FDA-approved treatment in which the active ingredient is deoxycholic acid. According to NIH’s Open Chemistry Database, deoxycholic acid is a bile acid that occurs naturally in the body. It “acts as a detergent to solubilize fats for intestinal absorption, is reabsorbed itself, and is used as a choleretic and detergent.” As mentioned previously, Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment for adults who want to improve the appearance of moderate to severe fat below the chin.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Kybella is administered via injection, so most of our patients want to know exactly how many treatments it will take for them to see desired results. There is no standard for how many treatments it will take to treat the average patient. That’s why all clients interested in receiving Kybella come in for a personal consultation with an Allura neck contouring specialist. They’ll work with you to develop a customized plan for treatment.

How Long Will It Take To See Results?

Some patients think that because Kybella injections only take a few minutes to administer, the results will be equally as rapid. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. As with many injectable anti-aging facial treatments, it can take between four and six weeks to see results from your Kybella injection.

What Will The Injections Feel Like?

There’s plenty of information on there in the internet to prove that Kybella injections really work. Just look at the before and after pictures featured on the Allura website if you want visual proof. After asking if it really works, most patients want to know if Kybella’s going to hurt. The injection causes only minimal discomfort of the kind that’s to be expected with any injection. In a small number of patients, a burning or stinging sensation may occur. This is easily remedied with an ice pack, however.

Will There Be Any Side Effects?

In most patients, the only side effect experienced after Kybella is a small amount of swelling. Again, an ice pack can help to manage this effect. In rare cases, there can also be some redness or light bruising around the injection side. Most patients find these side effects greatly diminished after two or three days.

Interested in learning more about Allura’s anti-aging facial treatments, like Kybella? Contact us for a free consultation today.