You’re a little unsure about taking the leap into trying laser hair removal.  You’ve wanted to try it out for awhile now but have concerns about it.  You shouldn’t though.  Let the professionals at Allura in Loveland and Fort Collins, Colorado help take the fear out of trying laser hair removal for the first time. Set up a free consultation to talk with us about your specific needs but in the meantime, here are three reasons that you should definitely give laser hair removal a try.

It’s Fast

Unlike other forms of hair removal, laser hair removal is fast.  Depending on the area from which you need hair removed, the treatment itself can go quickly.  Laser hair removal targets groups of hairs, much like waxing does, versus individual hairs therefore making each session go quickly.  On top of that, you don’t have to go back for years on end.  Most individuals have excellent results in two to six treatments.

It’s Effective

Over the course of the two to six treatments, the laser targets the hair follicle and quickly destroys just the hair follicle.  This leads to permanent results.  Laser hair removal provides visible results that last.  After a full course of treatments those coarse, dark hairs will be gone and only peach fuzz will return.

It’s Safe

When laser hair removal hit the markets in 1998 there was a lot of talk about how damaging this hair removal process could be.  Between improvements in technology and long-term studies, it has been shown that laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted hair.  In 2006, the Department of Dermatology at the University of Copenhagen looked into the efficacy of a variety of laser treatment types by analyzing data from clinical trials and found them all to be excellent therapeutic choices for unwanted hair.

Ready to give laser hair removal a try? Contact our Loveland or Fort Collins location and get your appointment booked today!