Is the HCG Diet Safe?

It seems like every diet, no matter how innocent, gets its fair share of naysayers. These are the people who try to tell you that it doesn’t work, not to try it, and scare you with horror stories they’ve heard (usually on the internet). While there are some diets out there that you’d be better […]

Don’t Believe These Misconceptions About The hCG Diet!

In our recent blogs, we’ve been covering some common myths and misconceptions about the hCG diet, which is a very low-calorie diet (500 calories) high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fat. The hCG Diet hormone and nutrition counseling program from Allura features hCG, a naturally occurring human hormone that positively affects weight loss by breaking […]

2 More Myths Surrounding The hCG Diet

The hCG Diet hormone and nutrition counseling program from Allura features hCG, a naturally occurring human hormone that positively affects weight loss by breaking down and releasing fat stored in your body. The program will help you down a new path to wellness that will enable you to: Reshape your body and rid of problem […]

Dispelling More Myths About The hCG Diet

hCG is short for human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that is used by Allura in medical-grade, prescription-only form in combination with a very low-calorie diet (500 calories) high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fat. Research has shown that this combination within the hCG diet results in loss of fat, but not muscle. In […]

Debunking Myths About The hCG Diet

The hCG Diet hormone and nutrition counseling program from Allura features hCG, a naturally occurring human hormone that positively affects weight loss by breaking down and releasing fat stored in your body. There are a lot of people out there currently that are using scare tactics to turn people away from this revolutionary diet. These […]