microdermabrasion-top-banner-021717Wouldn’t it be nice if we all just had perfect skin all the time? While the idea of never seeing a blemish or a cluster of embarrassingly visible pores is a magical one, it simply isn’t realistic. If you have made a trip to your local spa recently or you like to know about the latest in skin care, you have likely heard of or are mildly familiar with microdermabrasion. It seems, however, that even people who have done research on the procedure aren’t entirely sure what it is. In this post, we are going to educate you on what exactly microdermabrasion is, who it can help and what exactly the benefits are to scheduling an appointment at Allura to have it completed on your skin.

What is microdermabrasion?

If surgery is not something you are interested in even a tiny bit, then microdermasion might be just the right thing for you. This physical exfoliation procedure is both non-chemical and non-invasive. With a handheld device, the top layer of the skin is slowly removed, working to speed up the cell turnover and make your skin look youthful and healthy. So how does this handheld device work?

The microdermabrasion wand uses superfine crystals to break the dead skin away from the skin, while light suction works to remove the debris from the face. You will likely notice results after your first session. Although, we do suggest that you schedule several sessions so that you can see lasting and more drastic results.

become-your-own-biggest-fanThe Benefits of Microdermabrasion – What are the benefits and who should take advantage of them?

We all have our own unique set of skin problems that we have to deal with, however, many people have issues that overlap. Microdermabrasion is a great procedure to have completed if you have any of the following issues with your skin:

Are you interested in microdermabrasion?

The Benefits of Microdermabrasion, If you are interested in getting healthier, better looking skin with the help of microdermabrasion, contact Allura Skin, Laser and Wellness Center today. We can schedule a consultation for you in no time. We also offer a number of other skin rejuvenation services that can give you youthful glowing skin quickly and easily. For more information on what other skin services we offer, visit our website or stop into one of our locations in Fort Collins or Loveland right now!