Male neck contouring for double chin.

“Oh, don’t take a picture of me, I hate my chin!” “Why does my neck SAG like this, I’m working out all the time!” If you’ve found yourself uttering these phrases over and over again, you could be a great candidate for one of Allura’s most popular anti-aging facial treatments: neck contouring. Check out the signs that you need neck contouring that we covered in a previous post, and then keep reading to learn what you can expect from your appointment.

Start With A Consultation To Plan Your Customized Neck Contouring

Kybella neck contouring has been completely approved by the FDA as a way to drastically decrease the amount of fat that collects under your chin and at your upper neck. During your Allura consultation, your doctor or nurse will work with you to create a plan for the exact number of treatments that will be necessary to achieve the results you want.

Expect An Injection

As far as anti-aging facial treatments go, Kybella neck contouring is one of the most effective and least invasive. However, you should be ready to encounter a needle. Kybella, featuring deoxycholic acid, will be injected directly into your chin fat. Over time, this naturally-occurring acid will destroy those unsightly fat cells so they can no longer cause your double chin.

Allow Yourself Some Recovery Time After Neck Contouring

Although this treatment is minimally-invasive, you should be prepared for a small amount of bruising and/or redness, which can occur with any type of injection. It’s best to be able to take the rest of the day off, so your body can recovery privately.

Ready to schedule your Kybella anti-aging facial treatment? Contact Allura today!