juvederm dermal fillers at Allura Clinic in ColoradoWhile we all have the desire to look as best as we can, we can often find that there is a difference between committing to a new moisturizer or lip plumping gloss and committing to a cosmetic procedure. Whether you have been considering Juvéderm, or you have no idea what it is, it’s time to start taking advantage of the great things this procedure can do for your lips.

During the winter months, our skin becomes dry and flaky, this is especially true of the skin on your lips. A lack of moisture in the skin can cause things like wrinkles and fine lines to stick out like a sore thumb, especially the ones located around your mouth. You also may find that your lips are dry and therefore are appearing smaller than they usually do. While you still may be a tad hesitant about trying out the Juvéderm treatment at Allura Skin, Laser and Wellness Center, there are plenty of reasons to do so this December. Find out what some of these reasons are below!

  1. The treatment takes hardly any time.

    One of the best things about this treatment is that is takes hardly any time at all. That means you can leave the office at noon for your lunch break and return with plumper, more luscious lips. We know you are busy enough as it is, and that your time is precious, so we promise not to take up too much of it.

  2. The results will last.

    The results of Juvéderm can last for up to a year. This means you won’t have to return to our wellness center multiple times every month. One appointment will render you beyond satisfied with your lips for months to come. How great is that?!

  3. You don’t have to wait to see the results.

    There are many beauty treatments that require you to wait to see the full effects they have. Things like chemical peels are known for taking days, sometimes even weeks for you to see how they have transformed your skin. Juvéderm is not like this at all. You will see results immediately, making this treatment even more enticing.

  4. You can finally have luscious lips.

    We see women all the time who come in for another procedure and in the the course of speaking with them, they begin to discuss how much they dislike their thin lips. One thing you will notice about women in Hollywood is that the majority of them all have large beautiful lips and us everyday gals are not often born with this sort of volume when it comes to our lips. If you are tired of comparing yourself to others with incredibly full lips (FYI, these women have likely undergone treatments as well), then it’s time to try out Juvéderm.

  5. Juvéderm is completely natural.

    One of the reasons many women shy away from beauty treatments is because they don’t want to use products that are not natural. Luckily, Juvederm is. This product is made from Hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring sugar that is found in the skin. It acts to retain water while also delivering nutrients, enhancing the elasticity of the skin.

This December, whether it’s a holiday gift to yourself or you simply cannot wait any longer, come into Allura Skin, Laser and Wellness Center to schedule an appointment to have your Juvéderm treatment! Not only will you be amazed by what a difference such a short and simple procedure can make but you will also feel more confident while mingling with friends and family members at holiday gatherings. We can’t wait to get you the lips you have always wanted!