Treatments at Allura include more than just facials and wrinkle treatments (although those are great). We also offer a number of treatments designed to improve energy levels, body composition, vaginal health, chronic migraines, and even excessive sweating!
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Address hormone imbalances with customizable hormone pellets that help balance your mood, increase your energy levels, replenish your sex drive and more.
Lose pounds fast without suffering through intense cravings. The hCG diet suppresses cravings and targets fat stores, therefore assisting in weight loss to help you reach your goals.
If you’re feeling low on energy, B12 injections are a great natural approach to boosting energy and increasing your metabolism.
Treat vaginal atrophy and discomfort to restore vaginal health with a laser designed specifically to treat your most sensitive areas.
PRP Intimate uses Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) from your own blood to stimulate sensitivity resulting in increased pleasure, lubrication, and can also help symptoms of urinary continence.
Get freedom from chronic migraines and excessive sweating without having to take daily medications. Botox has been used medically for years to reduce chronic migraines and put a stop to hyperhydrosis.
Semaglutide Weight Loss Program
Our Semaglutide program at Allura Clinic, is a long-term program designed to shed pounds over several months.
Tirzepatide Weight Loss Program
Our Tirzepatide program at Allura Clinic, is an alternative long-term program designed to shed pounds over several months.
With this many treatments to choose from, it can be overwhelming to know which will work best for your wellness area of concern or health condition! Our team is happy to help, give us a call today.
Or visit our Fort Collins or Loveland clinic.
*Free consultation offer not valid on Bio-identical Hormone Replacement or Semaglutide Weight Loss Program.
2032 Lowe Street, Ste 103
Fort Collins, CO 80525
1615 Foxtrail Drive, Ste 190
Loveland, CO 80538
Mon: 9am – 5pm
Tues: 9am – 6pm
Wed: 9am – 5pm
Thu: 9am – 6pm
Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat: 9am – 4pm