10 Steps To Better Skin – Part 2

In our last post, we began giving you the keys to having healthier skin in the year to come. Dealing with skin redness, blemishes, dryness or oiliness can be extremely frustrating. Everywhere you go you find yourself worrying if the person you are talking to if noticing all those things about your skin that make […]

10 Steps To Better Skin – Part 1

We see a lot of people in our Wellness Center who want to know what the key to having clear, smooth and glowing skin. While we know it would be lovely if the answer was just one simple tool or trick, having great skin doesn’t come that easily to most. It’s a group effort really. […]

Which Dermal Filler Is Ideal For You?

While some people opt to have cosmetic surgery done to combat the effects of aging, other find alternative, less invasive procedures that will do the same thing. At Allura Skin, Laser & Wellness Clinic, we offer a number of procedures that will do just that. However, with so many options you may be wondering which […]

Body Contouring Myths

Losing a lot of weight is something many people strive to do for years at a time. Unfortunately, once they finally reach their goal weight, they are often left with excess tissue and skin. This is not ideal as those who work so hard want more than anything to have a firmer, smaller body. It […]

Cellulite Treatments For You

What Causes Cellulite and What treatments are Available? One of the things that women find themselves becoming more self conscious about as they age is most certainly cellulite. Thankfully, over the years, multiple technologies have been developed to reduce the appearance of this confidence-killing skin dimpling. In most cases, cellulite appears on the skin of […]

Why More Young Women Are Using Botox

Skin rejuvenation is becoming the norm in the United States and the number of people getting botox is on the rise. In fact, according to a 2015 report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there has been a 759% increase in the number of botox procedures from 2000 to 2015 and it is now […]

Is the HCG Diet Safe?

It seems like every diet, no matter how innocent, gets its fair share of naysayers. These are the people who try to tell you that it doesn’t work, not to try it, and scare you with horror stories they’ve heard (usually on the internet). While there are some diets out there that you’d be better […]

Discover Non-Invasive Wrinkle Treatments Available at Allura

There are many benefits that come with getting older. You get wiser, smarter, and if you are lucky you might even find a little inner peace. Aging isn’t all great, though. Wrinkles are one of the things that come along with getting older that many of us dread, but it doesn’t have to be inevitable. […]

5 Natural Treatments For Visible Spider Veins

They’re a nightmare for anyone who enjoys wearing shorts and sandals when enjoying Colorado’s 300 annual days of sunshine. Spider veins are small blood vessels that for some reason have become swollen. Located just under the surface of the epidermis, these swollen blood vessels are easily seen by the naked eye, and most people find […]

4 Modern Wrinkle Treatments Every Woman Over 40 Should Consider

No matter how much we try to avoid it, time catches up with us all. Even if you’ve done a good job of putting on sunscreen, wearing hats, and sticking to a very strict skincare regimen since you were a teenage girl, you may still be noticing some wrinkles creep into your appearance. It seems […]